Jesus Revolution: film review

I was talking to a friend and she mentioned, Jesus Revolution. I had heard of it but wasn’t sure what it was about. When they were promoting it when it was in theaters I never took the time to watch a trailer or see what the premise was about. She said I would like it. So, I watched it and surprisingly it piqued my curiosity. Of course I had to research as I was watching it to see how true to real-life the movie was. To know that some of the people are still alive and turned evangelical soured the film for me a little. Chile y’all know how I feel about Evangelicals.

Anyway, let me tell you why I did find the movie interesting. The hunger for young people to seek and know God is the basis of the film. How these Ministers and Pastors adapted to draw them into the church, hear them then lead them to know Jesus in their own way is why I found this interesting. The fact that hippies were the first major group to come to the church in the film yet if you listen to society they would have you believe that people who act or dress a certain way are headed to hell. It was recent maybe within the last year but a college held a round the clock revival for weeks that caught the attention of at least the church community.

People are hungry now for true fellowship with God. The facade of rituals in churches are no longer serving a purpose. People want to feel God inside of them. And that’s what this movie showed me. How people were willing to travel from far just to be baptized within this movement. How people were willing to leave their own family members to be part of this movement. How they couldn’t describe it but just knew deep down that they had to be part of this movement. Now I’m not one to say you need to belong to anything, especially a movement. But you can learn quite a bit from people within the church or a movement. Especially those who have a true intimate relationship with Jesus.

You can learn how to block out distractions and humble yourself to hear from God. How to be faithful during the most challenging storms. To be obedient when you would rather do things your way. Overall, Jesus Revolution was a feel-good movie. The message was needed in the 70s and it’s needed today in 2023. The purity of which the Pastors wanted to lead is the purity that is needed now. How some of them fell is still how some are failing today. Despite all of that we need more movies showing the innocent hunger of those seeking Christ. And that’s why this movie was interesting to me.

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