I would rather try than play the game of ‘what if’. I prefer games I have a chance of winning. With that philosophy, I have no regrets, just annoyances.
Category: Life
Sharing my life experiences. Speaking up for what I believe is the right thing to do. And everyday working to put into practice the Word of God. Also you’ll learn a little bit about my interests and celebrations along my journey.
Philippians 4:9
Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
The Aftertaste of Resentment
As someone who has had a pretty good amount of privilege whether I admit it or not, I harbored quite a lot of resentment towards everyone and everything that didn’t go my way. When things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them, unbeknownst to me I would unleash hell on those around me. Or […]
Goodbye Toxic Loyalty
Have you ever come to a tipping point because you have been everything to everybody? You have been the faithful employee that takes work home. The aunt or uncle that babysits at a moment’s notice. The friend that grabs a cake and balloons to celebrate others – and no one is checking on you. Toxic […]
A Toast To Truths podcast {Video}
A Toast To Truths is my observation on hushed biz conversations that deserve a public dialogue. These “forbidden” truths often lead to mental, emotional and financial frustration because you don’t know who you can confide in to talk to about these issues. My special guest co-hosts and I are going to reveal the ugly truths […]
Protecting My Family and Our Lives: Three Reasons I Chose to Get Vaccinated #InformUniteHeal
March 2020 was the culmination of slow, poor decisions and an unprepared global society. One day we’re living life as we each do and the next people are buying up toilet paper and hoarding it. While others thought we’d only be stuck in the house a few weeks, maybe a month at most. Then the […]
YOUR Mental Health Matters
Mental Health matters more than ever before. With the pandemic, so much loss and death as well as heightened racial situations seen virtually everywhere, people are tired. Exhausted. Weary. Overwhelmed. What we need to do is make sure that we show that mental health matters especially during National Minority Mental Health Awareness month. Here are […]
Visibly Invisible: 3 Invaluable Lessons
May is mental health awareness month. Some people may feel being invisible is the worst feeling in the world. But it can have its advantages if we look at it from a different perspective. To go from being invited to practically anything a blogger could, walking into rooms where people knew of your reputation before […]
One Year Blogaversary as a Faith Blogger
It’s been quite the awakening more than a journey. March 2009 I stated my first blog ‘Praying for Purpose’. And it had nothing to do with purpose but all about how much I despised where I was working. How I had to keep speaking up to defend my students. Now fast forward to May 2021 […]
Get Up, Stand Up For Your Rights
If it seems the world is descending into chaos, it’s not. It’s trying to right itself from the grips of corruption that has plagued it for far too long. While I talked about oppressed people standing up against police brutality around the world, today I want to inform you about communities who are literally fighting […]
Bouncing Back After a Reset
Bouncing back after a reset is what 2021 is all about for me. Time to do things differently if I want better outcomes and results. It’s the year to get unstuck. The year to fill in or patch up the holes that I either find comfortable or got stuck in which sends me into a […]