The Love of Money: Money Moves June 2020

10 For the love of money [that is, the greedy desire for it and the willingness to gain it unethically] is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves [through and through] with many sorrows.

1 Timothy 6:10 Amplified Bible

I’m going to keep it 2 virgils in this post.

People love to take this scripture out of context. As if being a Christian means we’re supposed to be poor, broke and living in a substandard house. Jesus wasn’t broke. Ain’t no way he could have a ministry and not find ways to sustain it.

Let’s focus on “the LOVE of money” within this scripture.

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with money as is. It’s needed because the world has created it to be a need. Well some places don’t actually have it but that’s a whole ‘nother lesson on colonization and the forgotten places on Earth. Anyhoo, let’s get back to breaking down this scripture so we can understand that in order to make money moves, you actually have to have money.

Now if you look further in the scripture it describes what it means by the love of money. That it’s a greedy desire and attained unethically. America has built a capitalistic society supposedly built upon Christian values. Yet their love of money built an economy on enslaved labor that propelled systems and structures rooted in evil.

Y’all, God is not blessing this mess.

Just because it looks and sometimes feel as if they are “winning” please believe reckoning day is coming. One person can make an entire community (family) pay for their sins. And guess what’s happening now? Reckoning day has come. The sins of the forefathers of this country are being paid by their descendants. The love of money has corrupted American society. And while I believe Black entrepreneurship is extremely important, I do believe what’s more important is how you go about making your money.

    If you’re using and abusing the people helping to build your business, then how do you expect your business to be blessed? Yes, white people have used, abused, tortured and killed Black Americans to build their businesses and economies. They have prospered for generations. But that doesn’t mean they won’t eventually pay for how their love of money was rooted in sin.

    Something I learned is that you may not directly pay for your sins but your family will. And no one knows which generation or how many generations will pay for the sins of that person(s).

    Why does all of this matter if this post is supposed to be about money moves?

    How you make your money matters just as much as how much you make or how you spend/invest it. And we can see that many companies are now trying to funnel off large sums of money to the Black community either to silence us or to ride the wave of Black Lives Matter.

    Let me give you a tip:

    • Donating a large sum of money to an organization you didn’t research or a college that already has a decent endowment while others are struggling is not it.
    • Instead of donating, use that money to fill in the gap of pay between your Black and white employees. And give the bonus money your Black employees lost. Y’all know many have yet to receive the bonuses they very well earned.
    • Create an initiative with employees and outside consultants to break down the racism, microaggressions and bias that are plaguing your company. Then implement the plan fully that is created by this initiative.
    • Most importantly, LISTEN when people are bringing a problem to your attention. It’s wise to listen, be receptive and seek wise counsel on how to remedy the situation.

    There’s so much more to be done as far as closing the wealth gap. But this is a simple start.

    As honorable as we are when it comes to not overstepping out of respect, Black people deserve that money. We should take it and make the money moves that will create a strong economic foundation for our community so future generations can continue to build and grow wealth.

    But remember, it’s not just how we make that money but how we make that money work for us.

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