Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul. Mask Off.

They definitely didn’t market this film as I think they should. Or maybe they did. It was not a comedy but a mockamentary that explored through a realistic lens of the competitiveness, ego-centric and shrinking that happens in some churches. Now y’all know I love the Black church but I’m all for bringing up critique if I believe it needs to be called out. Only because we can’t improve which we do not acknowledge. And Honk For Jesus. Save Your Souls. is that critique that we need to openly discuss as a family. Souls can’t be saved in the midst of silent dysfunction. Or maybe they can solely through the blood of Jesus.

Pastor Childs as one of the most overlooked sins, a Pastor who claims repentance but held to no true accountability is not where I will start nor focus my critiques. At least for this blog post. We need to discuss how congregation numbers (I was a member of a church who relished in how many views they received for Sunday service on Facebook Live) seems to drive “how” some churches evaluate saving souls and most importantly, why in 2022 we still expect First Ladies to shrink knowing they know better than the Pastor just to elevate him, his ego and some hierarchy that’s beyond outdated.

There were several scenes I didn’t expect. They were poignantly hilarious. Like the car scene where they rapped ‘Knuck if you Buck.’ Why? I know many Pastors use rap or specifically their favorite rapper in sermons. So, if anyone is appalled by that scene, go back and review past sermons. You can’t preach about a rap song or rapper unless you probably listened at least once, right? And how can they be your favorite if you don’t listen to their music on a regular basis??? The fake disgust can stop. Because if it was your pastor rapping you would be saying, ‘rap Pastor’ as you’re waving your hand and stomping your feet to hype him or her up.

Okay let’s get into the first critique I believe The Black Church needs to discuss more; competing for congregants. If you’ve ever watched a service and the Pastor or someone from the church is pushing for more shares, likes, comments so they can increase their views, that should give you pause. Not saying sharing a message isn’t important. But if that’s a key factor before service can continue, that Pastor isn’t worried about who God sent at that moment but how their numbers look in comparison to other churches. Pastor and Pastor Sumpter were such a crucial part of the story. Not because they were former members and mentees of the Childs but because they represent the next generation of mega-church wannabe leaders.

They saw what the Childs life turned into, what they wore, how they were respected. Y’all don’t think Shakura watched, learned and took notes. She did y’all. That’s how she ended up winning opening Sunday. And her husband just followed her lead. Which will be pointed out in my second critique. Instead of Pastor Childs beginning again with the faithful 5, he pushed Trinitie to help him bring back the 26,000 he lost due to his unfaithfulness to his wife, his church and his faith. Let me not give a critique and not offer a solution or two in the process. Why are we not content with who God has assigned to us in that moment of our ministry? Why can’t we pour all our oil into them? If we can be obedient, faithful and diligent with a few, don’t you believe God will bless you with the responsibility of nurturing and guiding more souls for Jesus? With this critique, my solution is questions. Questions to make us all reflect with hopes that we begin to care for those we’ve been assigned to with the fervor of those we seek to bring in to increase our numbers.

Whew…..y’all critique #2 is going a little deeper. We have to get beyond the surface, pull off the mask and examine how First Ladies, in particular, are made to shrink for the sake of their husband. As if she doesn’t have thoughts, ideas, dreams, opinions or a voice of her own that could help the church outside of being a cosign to her husband’s “vision”. Trinitie doesn’t just represent First Ladies but most Black Christian women who live within a faith structure that diminishes her light to increase his light. At times in the movie we see Trinitie try to reign Lee-Curtis in, redirect his directionless enthusiasm and hold onto the last part of her that she could hold onto. I’ve known women personally who like Trinitie sought counsel for their marriage only to be told they needed to suck it up, do better and be there for him. Not with the least bit of care to her emotional state, crushed dreams or fragile confidence.

Trinitie is a reflection of the mask so many women wear whether willingly to be and stay married. Or forced to wear because you don’t walk out of a marriage that provided you with all you could ever dream. I mean I guess putting materialistic comfort above comfort in who you are is the message we’re sending to the next generation? Like I said, I know women personally who were told similar things but I applaud them because most of them walked away. They didn’t say they would rather kill their husband than leave him. They left those abusive situations. Yet, Trinitie is not the exception but the rule. She’s convinced herself or let her mother convince her that staying in comfort is more important than being comfortable. Read that sentence again. Trinitie will never be able to take that mask off as long as she’s in the shadow of a man who is too wrapped up in his ego to repent, apologize to her genuinely and actually obey the Word of God. Lee-Curtis took loving thy neighbor too far.

The church needs to get over itself about how this film made some look. If we can’t correct the body of Christ then how will the body of Christ bring in new souls into a healthy, loving environment? Because the hate, sin and destruction is coming from inside the body of Christ. What did Lauryn Hill say,

How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?
How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?
How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?

Three years ago, to the day this short film was released on Youtube and now has become a feature full-length film that definitely has an Oscar worthy performance by Regina Hall. I had no idea this was a short film. And it was refreshing that the full-length film stayed close to its origins.

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