Seasons of 3: Biblical Numerology

The number 3 doesn’t have significance to me. Or so I thought. I noticed a few years ago that I would last probably 3 years doing something. Or at a place of employment. I wrote a blog post about it but it got deleted in the great purge of 2020 when I rebranded. However, it didn’t register what 3 years meant to me. To my life. Not then. Before I get into that I want to first share what I learned about the number 3 researching Biblical Numerology. Then I’ll share what I believe seasons of 3 means to me. And also give a brief summary of a sermon that pulled all this research, experience and the number 3 not clicking with me together.

The number 3 is found 467 times in the Bible. Now I did not personally count so I’m going with the research I found on this number. The only other number used more times is 7. Three is the first of 4 spiritually perfect numerals. The others are 7, 10 and 12. Now all numbers have several meanings. It depends on what you’re seeking, who you go to and how they use that number in your life. So I’m going to share quite a few words that are associated with the number 3.

The number 3 can mean harmony, God’s presence, completeness, eternal life, wholeness, new life, intensity of something, growth, reproduction, the Trinity, multiplication, expansion, expression, creativity, imagination, joy, inspiration, personal growth, learning from mistakes or spiritual development. The number 3 is power to action, harmonizing it and then it’s completed. Will explain that in a minute.

God and His angels can speak to us through anything. Numbers being one of those ways. If we’re seeing the same numbers repeatedly not just visually but in our lives over time, God is trying to attract our attention. Back to how the number 3 is action, harmony and completeness. During the time period whether it’s 3 days, months, years, etc we are doing work. Remember faith without “action” is dead.

So while we live, we are doing things that move us forward. We hope that the work we’re doing is in harmony with God’s plan for our life. Then when God says so, that work is complete. Now the power to action is where the list of words comes to play. During that time we are embodying those words in one way or another. In hopes that the good work we’re doing is in step with our calling. So I like to believe. 

When I wrote (the now deleted blog post🥺 ) I begun to notice a pattern that 3 years was usually all I gave or able to do with any given job, project or affiliation. It wasn’t until this most recent departure of mine that I truly sat down, prayed and began to study why I only keep pace with things for 3 years. As I was researching the number 3, the most glaring confirmation fell into my lap.

Jesus’ own ministry was only 3 years.

Now I’m in NO way comparing myself to Jesus. But I am saying that Jesus made the most pivotal impact the world has ever seen, known, witnessed in just 3 years that it continues to reverberate century after century.

God keeps me in a place or position because He knows what needs to be done through me will be completed within 3 years. I don’t need to stay any longer. I may want to but I don’t need to. When I try, it always blows up in my face. The pressure, stress and chaos mounts to unbelievable levels. My ego also played a part in that. I thought I was gifted enough to continue doing the work. It wasn’t me doing the work. It was God guiding me to what needed to be done through me and then I needed to step aside so someone else could continue that work.

This quote by Sarah Jakes Roberts she shared saying her husband shared with her sums up why God gives me seasons of 3 then I am to step aside, “Sometimes it takes more courage to stop than to keep going.” I also heard a few years back that I don’t always have to finish what I start. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt so incomplete if I didn’t see things all the way through. Again, that’s ego. It’s not for me to see things all the way through. It’s for me to glorify God and that means I do what He wants me to do when He wants me to do it. 

I don’t think I have watched more than a couple of sermons preached by Pastor Toure’ Roberts. Not that I don’t I like him but I just never felt led to follow him in that way. However, on Youtube I kept seeing this one sermon pop up every time I logged in. Whether it was on my phone or laptop this 1 particular sermon stayed on my homepage. Finally I decided to watch it. And then I watched it again the next day. This sermon summed up what the seasons of 3 means to me and why I need to get used to and embrace this pattern in my life.

Essentially we live in cycles and beginnings. Eek!!! That’s so far from comfortable which humans crave. We are to go from glory to glory. To me that means we are to do God’s work where we are and then go do His work where He is leading us next. Our lives are a series of cycles because life is ever revolving. As we evolve into who God has created us to be we are revolving within the life we’re living here on earth. There will always be a beginning as that’s where the work of God is happening. God sees lack where we see contentment or abundance. Y’all we think we’re doing the most and God is like naw child. That’s not even close. When this happens it’s because a God-thing has now become a good-thing. So that needs to be torn down to make way for a new God-thing. Y’all this was why God kept showing me this sermon every single time I logged into Youtube. I’m so bent on God-things that I don’t notice when it has fallen into the category of a good-thing. That God has let is slide into a new space and I am to begin a new beginning so His work can continue through me. 

To wrap up because you’re probably thinking this girl is all over the place. The embodiment of the number 3 is what I do during the time I am doing God’s work. But when that time is up, I need to release the need to continue. I need to accept that my time with that job, project, position, etc is over. To continue harmony in my life I can’t resist the shift that is taking place. The work done through me is complete. A new beginning for God to use me is on the horizon and I must step in that direction. 

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