As someone who has had a pretty good amount of privilege whether I admit it or not, I harbored quite a lot of resentment towards everyone and everything that didn’t go my way. When things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them, unbeknownst to me I would unleash hell on those around me. Or […]
Category: Blog
Vernetta Reshell Faith Blogger
is based on Matthew 10:27,
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
I will post whatever God reveals with me to share with you.
You can also read past blogs posts prior to the rebrand as well as listen to my now archived podcast.
Goodbye Toxic Loyalty
Have you ever come to a tipping point because you have been everything to everybody? You have been the faithful employee that takes work home. The aunt or uncle that babysits at a moment’s notice. The friend that grabs a cake and balloons to celebrate others – and no one is checking on you. Toxic […]
A Toast To Truths podcast {Video}
A Toast To Truths is my observation on hushed biz conversations that deserve a public dialogue. These “forbidden” truths often lead to mental, emotional and financial frustration because you don’t know who you can confide in to talk to about these issues. My special guest co-hosts and I are going to reveal the ugly truths […]
40 Day Daniel Fast: All HELL Broke Loose
I kicked off 2021 with a 40 day Daniel fast. This is the second 40 day fast I’ve done. The first one taught me how to begin my healing and this one taught me how to release the hell that had a tight grip on my life. But there’s one thing I finally realized now […]
Surviving Ministry School
I just completed my first semester surviving ministry school. I was anxious, nervous and quite possible intimidated during the first few classes. It seemed I was surrounded by people who could quote scripture at the drop of a hat. And I could barely remember any that aren’t used all the time. Or even where they […]
3 Misconceptions of God
‘Not Today Satan: Satan Tried It’ is a blog series to help us become more aware of how easy it is for us to believe something because it sounds eerily similar to something that is in fact true. This series will show us how our own eagerness to attain status, wealth, power, etc can be […]
3 Lies Antebellum Slavery Claimed from the Bible
‘Not Today Satan: Satan Tried It’ is a blog series to help us become more aware of how easy it is for us to believe something because it sounds eerily similar to something that is in fact true. This series will show us how our own eagerness to attain status, wealth, power, etc can be […]
3 of Satan’s Temptation Tactics
‘Not Today Satan: Satan Tried It’ is a blog series to help us become more aware of how easy it is for us to believe something because it sounds eerily similar to something that is in fact true. This series will show us how our own eagerness to attain status, wealth, power, etc can be […]
3 Lies About God
‘Not Today Satan: Satan Tried It’ is a blog series to help us become more aware of how easy it is for us to believe something because it sounds eerily similar to something that is in fact true. This series will show us how our own eagerness to attain status, wealth, power, etc can be […]
3 Reasons I’m Attending The Potter’s House School of Ministry
It’s been a decade since I’ve been in a class setting ie virtual. I graduated with my Masters in May 2011. And yes, the entire program was online. So doing virtual school is sort of my preferred thing. I’ve been pushed by several people to go back to school to get a doctorate. What was […]